The Fool represents a blind optimism about the future, and having the courage to take a leap of faith, even if it might be risky. The fool is carefree and ready for adventure, whatever it may bring.
The Magician is creative, skilled, talented, and has the confidence in their power to succeed. This card calls on you to believe in yourself, or it can show you that you already do.
The High Priestess is wise, calm and patient, warning you to be cautious and trust your instincts.
The Empress is a symbol of abundance, which can come in many forms, from new love interests, business ventures, or children.
The Emperor is in a position of stability and security. This card represents success and mastery.
The Hierophant is a teacher of a traditional or spiritual practice that can also represent mentorship or education.
The Lovers have the potential to be in balance and harmony, but are at a crossroads where it is time to make a decision.
The Chariot can guide you through difficult situations if you are able to continue on the path. You may need to harness opposing forces to reach your destination.
Strength is the power to overcome. This can represent success, or healing from illness and injury, whether it be mental or physical.
The Hermit has retreated from the world to seek wisdom and understanding. This card calls for a time of solitude, introspection, and self-discovery.
The Wheel of Fortune represents a change in luck that has the potential to be life-changing. This can be both good or bad.
Justice is focused on fairness, balance and truth. This can be a symbol of karmic justice or a reminder to do what is right.
The Hanged Man is trapped and now in a position where they must sacrifice and surrender
Death is the end, but it can also be a new beginning. The death card rarely means actual death, but instead it usually symbolizes a time of transition.
Temperance is about healing, healthy habits and moderation. The temperance card can also be a warning to be calm and moderate instead of harsh and extreme.
The Devil is a master of temptation, materialism and our deepest desires. This card can be a warning about the onset of an addiction, or a call to be more humble or frugal in business.
The Tower is in a state of chaos and danger that will leave it changed forever. This card represents great changes or transformations that require painful struggles.
The Star is inspiring and guides us in times of darkness, reminding us that anything is possible.
The Moon is mysterious and can sometimes create illusions. This card can suggest that things are not as they appear to be.
The Sun is a symbol of happiness, enlightenment and success. This card can be a sign of good things to come.
Judgment is a time of reckoning when you find yourself at a crossroads. This can be an opportunity for growth or redemption, but only if you choose wisely.
The World is completion. This can represent the achievement of goals, the end of a journey, or realizing your full potential.
Ace of Wands: New beginnings, inspiration, creativity, and potential.
Two of Wands: Planning, decision-making, discovery, or setting out on a new path
Three of Wands: Expanding your horizons, growth, foresight, travel or progress.
Four of Wands: Celebration, stability and happiness after hard work
Five of Wands: Competition, conflict, struggle, and tension.
Six of Wands: Victory, recognition, success, and public acclaim.
Seven of Wands: Perseverance, defiance, courage, and standing your ground.
Eight of Wands: Speed, movement, fast changes, news traveling fast
Nine of Wands: Resilience, persistence. Weary from battle but prepared to fight on.
Ten of Wands: Burden, responsibility, stress, and overcommitment.
Page of Wands: Enthusiasm, exploration, creativity, and potential. New beginnings.
Knight of Wands: Challenge, determination, leadership, unpredictability or impulsiveness.
Queen of Wands: Confidence, charisma, ambition, and determination.
King of Wands: Leadership, vision, entrepreneurship, and self-assuredness.
Ace of Cups: Love, new relationships, compassion, and emotional fulfillment.
Two of Cups: Partnership, union, balance, and emotional connection.
Three of Cups: Celebration, friendship, collaboration, and community.
Four of Cups: Contemplation, guilt, introspection, and missed opportunities.
Five of Cups: Loss, grief, disappointment, and dwelling on the past.
Six of Cups: Nostalgia, memories, childhood, and innocence.
Seven of Cups: Choices, fantasy, imagination, and illusions.
Eight of Cups: Leaving behind an unfulfilling path, moving on or soul-searching.
Nine of Cups: Contentment, emotional fulfillment, satisfaction, and wishes granted.
Ten of Cups: Happiness, harmony, emotional abundance, and love.
Page of Cups: Creativity, intuition, sensitivity, and emotional curiosity.
Knight of Cups: Romance, charm, idealism, and emotional intelligence.
Queen of Cups: Empathy, intuition, compassion, and charitability.
King of Cups: Emotional maturity, diplomacy, balance, and understanding.
Ace of Swords: Clarity, truth, mental power. Double-edged sword, creation or destruction
Two of Swords: Indecision, stalemate, avoidance, and balance.
Three of Swords: Heartbreak, sorrow, grief, and betrayal.
Four of Swords: Rest, recuperation, meditation, and retreat.
Five of Swords: Conflict, tension, defeat, and betrayal.
Six of Swords: Transition, healing, fleeing danger moving forward, or leaving the past behind.
Seven of Swords: Deception, strategy, stealth, and cunning. Use your brain instead of fighting head on.
Eight of Swords: Restriction, self-imposed limitations, feeling trapped, and helplessness.
Nine of Swords: Anxiety, worry, fear, nightmares, and paranoia.
Ten of Swords: Betrayal, endings, loss, and rock bottom.
Page of Swords: Curiosity, mental agility, new ideas, or a new direction.
Knight of Swords: Ambition, assertiveness, confidence and impulsivity
Queen of Swords: Independence, aging, wisdom. Could symbolize a supportive woman
King of Swords: Authority, mental clarity, strategic thinking, and intellectual power.
Ace of Pentacles: New beginnings, opportunity, prosperity, and material gain.
Two of Pentacles: Balance, adaptability, multitasking, and juggling responsibilities.
Three of Pentacles: Collaboration, teamwork, learning, and skill development.
Four of Pentacles: Stability, security, control, and possessiveness.
Five of Pentacles: Hardship, poverty, insecurity, and isolation.
Six of Pentacles: Generosity, charity, giving, and receiving.
Seven of Pentacles: Patience, investment, and long-term planning paying off.
Eight of Pentacles: Apprenticeship, craftsmanship, diligence, and skill mastery.
Nine of Pentacles: Abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, and financial independence.
Ten of Pentacles: Wealth, inheritance, family, long-term success, end of a journey.
Page of Pentacles: Ambition, financial opportunities, learning and starting a new path.
Knight of Pentacles: Dependability, routine, work, patience, and persistence.
Queen of Pentacles: Nurturing, practicality, resourcefulness, and prosperity.
King of Pentacles: Wealth, abundance, business, and financial success.